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Want better audio? Grab that blanket

I know I’m not the only one who finds myself becoming a vagabond in my own home, traipsing around to find a new place to set up shop for the day. And these days, I’m also searching for better audio.

I was working from home when WFH wasn’t cool. Now two and a half years in, I still don’t have a proper office. Most days that doesn’t bother me one bit, because it means I can move about the house with a different view every day.

These daily travels from room to room have come with some revelations. There are spots in my house that are great for working, but terrible for virtual meetings or my daily Facebook lives. In fact, it’s this exact situation that pushed me to start my coaching and consulting business and stop the spread of awful Zoom shots. (Are you in this boat? Well, lemme help you right here.)

One of the struggles I see – or more specifically, hear – frequently is hollow audio. The room in my house I work in most often is mainly windows, hard flooring and a brick wall. Very little fabric and carpeting, which means very little to absorb sound. But I’ve found an easy solution.

A fuzzy blanket.

Kathrine Nero uses a "sound muffler" - a fuzzy blanket - to absorb sound and make audio clearer.

I call it a sound muffler. It’s not going to solve every problem, but it will help. Position the blanket (in my case, with some chip clips) in front of you so that your voice isn’t bouncing off of those hard surfaces. Your melodious tones will get lost in all that texture and it will lead to better audio.

Of course, a mic is always an option, and if you want to check out a suggestion for an affordable entry-level lavalier mic (or some other gear you might like), take a gander here.

But I say simple is the way to go. The more things you start plugging in, the more things that might not connect the right way when you need them to.

I’ve done countless voice overs with my phone under a heavy duvet. I mean legit like a kid making a blanket fort. It muffles the sound and makes even the voice memo app sound pretty good.

Just be sure to held the phone at least six inches away from your face and position the mic (it’s usually on the bottom of the phone) toward you and don’t move around a lot. This is the same method I use for my daughters to voice over their weekly video for cincinnati.com. Three under a blanket can get pretty warm, so we tend to knock it out quickly.

And please enjoy this lovely scene I set when I recorded by digital course, Confident on Camera. I grabbed blankets, pillows, anything to soak up the sound in the room.

Looking for a change of scenery? Head over to your closet. All those clothes provide the same kind of sound absorption – and the best part is – the messier the better!

So, there’s your excuse. Grab a blanket – or your full laundry hamper – and let that sweet audio fly.

But sometimes, you need a mic. And you don’t have to spend a fortune. Find out my picks, plus other gear to improve your presence on camera with this freebie.

Want better audio? Grab that blanket